Ramapo Lodge #485 Knights of Pythias
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HAROLD HELLER  - A Bingo Extraordinaire

Twice each year with innate accuracy, Harold runs a bingo night for the mentally impaired.  He does the work, aids the community and Ramapo Lodge gets the credit.

Starting at 7:00PM and ending at 9:00PM March 18th, past St. Patricks Day Heller pulls all the stops to make it an enjoyable and entertaining evening.


Associated by George Gray and Stan Drescher, Harold Heller coordinates, arranges, makes payments, distributes prize money and calls the shots. Without him theres o Bingo night.


It isn't easy. Records must be maintained, proper monies allocated, with all attendees GUARANTEED TO WIN. Winnings per game range from $2.00 to $5.00, and all seated at the winners table also receives $1.00. Winning prizes and amounts are earned depending on the type of bingo game won a square, an X, regular or the entire card (the evenings ending game)


Making sure all 12 tables have winners is a chore. Spies are everywhere. Hand signals, sign language and passed notes are utilized. Whispering abounds. Winners are interviewed, asking if they plan to go to Disneyland a la a cell phone mike.


Our lodge allocates $200 for the activity and in the hands of Harold its like a thousand. The auditorium located on Gilchrist Crossing made the most of St. Patricks Day. Hats, plates, candy dishes and table cloths were adorned in green.


But Ramapo Lodges prize goes to Harold Heller our heroic hero.


PC Stan Dresher


PC Harold Heller